Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Rumor is true! The Party is back!

Yes, I know. How very "20-something" of me to leave a blog dormant for nearly a year, only to come back to it again thanks to a spark of creativity and a moment of unoccupied time! As I chalk this one up to "short attention span," "bad hours at work" (see upcoming post) and "OMG, I live in New York!" feelings, I do, interestingly enough, have a lot to say. Stay Tuned.

(PS: If anyone from Winston-Salem can pinpoint what popular local nightclub used the title of this post as a billboard slogan, you get a cookie from me!)


Meredith Travels said...

I'm going to guess shaboom on jonestown road? It's the one right by skatehaven


Joy said...

yes!!! we have a winner!!!