Saturday, December 14, 2013


I suppose I should change the domain name of this blog now.

If you told me at 20 where I'd end up at 30, I would have had to sit down and compose myself.

10 years. 10 years of firsts and lasts. Tears and disappointments. Triumphs and laughter. Births and deaths.

I lost 2 of my 4 grandparents when I was in my 20's. But I also welcomed 2 nephews, 1 niece, and 3 second cousins into the family.

I changed jobs 3 times. I moved twice. I got promoted twice.

I went to Paris and London. Then I went back to London. I've been to numerous places in the US, and have lived in 5 different states and a District.

I had 3 relationships end in my 20s...with the last one being the most difficult, emotional, gut-wrenching experience of my life thus far.

I've made bad choices, I've drank too much, I've stayed out too late. I've picked fights, I've been meek and timid, I've been strong and determined.

I've gone back to mass .. then stopped. Then started going again. I've prayed for numerous things. God has answered my prayers in interesting ways, in great ways, and in disappointing ways.

And, most importantly, I have built the most amazing network of friends and family in the known Universe. Throughout all of this, you were all there. You celebrated the good times and supported me during the bad times. I am a better person for knowing each and every one of you, and your spirit is what keeps me going when I need it the most. Even the ones I don't talk to anymore .. or the ones whose friendships did not end on the greatest terms. You all have taught me important life lessons that I'll never forget.

If my 20-year-old self could talk to my now-30-year-old self, she'd probably ask if there was anything she should do differently.

And I'd say no. No there isn't.